Full CV (PDF)
CV Lattes (CNPq researchers database) [NB. the portuenglish is beyond my control]
My primary research interest is the study of parasitic wasps, especially Chalcidoidea, and biodiversity informatics. I also have collateral* research interests in evolutionary biology, phylogenetics, sequence analysis and data analysis.
*collateral= fundamental for everything else!
Projects I am or have been involved with:
- I am a CAPES/INCT-HYMPAR postdoctoral fellow at Universidade Federal do Espirito Santo, in Vitória, Brazil.
- I still dedicate my own time to taxonomy of Chalcidoidea, especially Signiphoridae, and small biodiversity informatics-related projects (see below under "sites").
- I am a volunteer collaborator at Museu de História Natural do Capão da Imbuia (MHNCI).
- I collaborate with my friend Karin Fehlauer-Ale in translations of scientific texts from Portuguese, Spanish and Italian to English and production of scientific communication texts (scicomm). If you are looking for these services or would like your research to be disseminated in Portuguese, you can find more information here.
- I am helping the folks at MofOut to validate their home environment health method with humidity and microorganism control.
- Post-doctoral fellow, Sharanowski Lab, Dept. of Entomology, University of Manitoba.
- Mobile IPM: mobile app for integrated pest management in Canadian Prairies (Western Grains grant to Dr. B. Sharanowski)- responsible testing and troubleshooting keys in the pest identification tool.
- Chalcid PEET - Taxonomy and systematics of Chalcidoidea. PEET is a now defunct funding program from NSF (USA) to train new taxonomists. I was in taxonomy and phylogenetic systematics of Signiphoridae.
- MX - A management system for systematics and taxonomy.
- HymAToL - Chalcidoidea "twig" of the Hymenoptera branch of the Assembling the Tree of Life project.- Helped coding Signiphoridae and Encyrtidae, studied ways to visually summarize the collections of trees, in collab. with Suzanne Matthews.
- Encyrtidae of the Hill Country - A Texas Ecolab-funded project for faunistic studies. (PI)
- Moure's Bee Catalogue - Online version of the taxonomic catalog of Neotropical bees, started by Father J. S. Moure in the 1940s.
- Pollinators of passionflower (Passiflora) in Parana (archived site) - Development of website, report and manual for general public.
- Biological control of strawberry guava (Psidium cattleianum) - Developed studies on wasps that induce galls inside fruits as prospective biocontrol agents. Strawberry guava is invasive in several places of the world.
Sites I currently keep or contribute to:
MX wiki (a.k.a. "the manual")
Taxonomy bookmarks
Random Bugs blog
Digitally Imaging Parasitic Hymenoptera
Chalcidoidea: Biologia, Sistemática e Classificação (archived) - RESURRECTED HERE!!!
Brazos Phylogenetics wiki (reference for students to use the Brazos cluster)
[I'm a wikiogress btw]
Files, publication PDFs, etc.
- WOOLLEY, J. B. & Dal Molin, A. 2017. Taxonomic revision of the flavopalliata species group of Signiphora (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae). Zootaxa 4315(1): 1-150. (open access)
- MARTINS A. C., Santos L.M., Dal Molin, A. 2015. Danuncia Urban: a life devoted to Entomology. In: Gonçalves, R.; Ramos, K. S.; Aguiar, A.J.C. (Eds.). Ensaios sobre as abelhas da região Neotropical: Homenagem aos 80 anos de Danuncia Urban. Curitiba: Editora da UFPR, p. 11-48. ISBN: 9788584800117
- AZEVEDO, C. O., Dal Molin, A., Penteado-Dias, A., et al. 2015. Checklist of the genera of Hymenoptera (Insecta) from Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Boletim do Museu de Biologia Mello Leitão (Nova Série) 37(3): 313–343. PDF (journal web site)
- Triapitsyn, S. V., Aguirre, M. B., Logarzo, G. A., Dal Molin, A. (in press) Taxonomic notes on primary and secondary parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae and Signiphoridae) of Hypogeococcus spp. (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in Argentina. Acta Zoologica Lilloana 58(2): 171–186. PDF (journal web site)
- Ramírez-Ahuja, M. L., Dal Molin, A., Gonzalez-Hernández, A., Woolley, J. B. (in press) Sinopsis y clave para identificación de especies de Signiphora (Hymenoptera: Signiphoridae) de Mexico, con notas sobre su biologia y distribución. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 86(2): 337–347. PDF (publisher web site)
- Heraty, JM et al. 2013. A phylogenetic analysis of the megadiverse Chalcidoidea. Cladistics 29(5): 466-542. doi: 10.1111/cla.12006 Editor site
- Dal-Molin A, Matthews SJ, Munro J, Heraty JM, Woolley JB. Analysis and visualization of large trees: A case study in Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera). XXXI Willi Hennig Society Meeting. June 2012. (a test case for Matthew's MrsRF and TreeZip algorithms) talk ppt
- Dal Molin, A, Ellis, EA, Pendleton, WM 2011. Vapor coating parasitic wasps for scanning electron microscopy. Hamuli 2: 27-28 ISH site | PDF
- Guinski, R.S. and Dal Molin, A. 2010. Tone-mapping HDR photography applied to microscopy (case study for VIZA654, Fall 2010). course site
- Pedrosa-Macedo, JH; DalMolin, A; Smith, CW (Orgs.). 2007. O Araçazeiro: Ecologia e Controle Biológico [Strawberry Guava Ecology and Biological Control]. Fundação de Pesquisas Florestais do Paraná, Curitiba. ISBN 8560020027. PDF / COVER (text in Portuguese)
- Angelo, AC; DalMolin, A. 2007. Que tipos de inimigos naturais procurar? Ecologia das interações herbívoro-planta e suas implicações para o controle biológico. Chapter 8 in Pedrosa-Macedo et al. 2007, p. 71-91. PDF
- DalMolin, A; Melo, GAR. 2007. A Galha-do-Fruto do Araçazeiro: história natural das vespas associadas. Chapter 16 in Pedrosa-Macedo et al. 2007, p. 171-182. PDF
- Moure, JS; Urban, D; Melo, GAR Catalogue of Bees (Hymenoptera, Apoidea) in the Neotropical Region. Curitiba: Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia.: participation in review and co-authorship of chapters on Andrenini, Calliopsini, Megachilini and Protandrenini. Browse catalog online
- DalMolin, A; Melo, GAR. 2005. A grafia de termo aplicado à biologia de parasitóides.Informativo da Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil 30(2): 3. Aug 1, 2005. PDF
- DalMolin, A; Melo, GAR; Perioto, NW. 2004. Novas espécies de Eurytomidae (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea) associadas a galhas em frutos de duas espécies de Psidium (Myrtaceae) no Sul do Brasil, com a redescrição de Prodecatoma spermophaga Costa-Lima. Revista Brasileira de Entomologia 48(4): 519-528. doi: 10.1590/S0085-56262004000400015 Open Access [SciELO]; PDF
- Dal Molin, A. 2005. [The Psidium cattleianum Sabine (Myrtaceae) Fruit Gall: Infestation, Plant Susceptibility and Ontogeny at Parana State First Plateau and Littoral]. M.Sc. thesis, Universidade Federal do Parana, Curitiba, Brazil. Thesis advisor: Dr. Gabriel A. R. Melo. URI (UFPR-text in Portuguese)