Short Courses
- Introduction to development of multiple-entry interactive keys (in Portuguese). UFSCar, 11-12 Nov 2017
- Introduction to biodiversity informatics (in Portuguese) [Introdução à informática aplicada ao estudo da biodiversidade]. Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biologia Animal, 22-26 Jan 2018 (tentative dates).
Higher Education
- Texas A&M University, ENTO 301 - Biology and Biodiversity of Insects, all lab sessions, Spring 2013-2014, Spring 2014 (Teaching Assistant).
- Texas A&M University, ENTO 305 - Evolution of Insect Structure, all lab sessions, Fall 2013 (Teaching Assistant).
- Universidade Federal do Paraná, BZ023 - Biogeography [Biogeografia], lab modules for panbiogeography and phylobiogeography, 2004 (teaching credit-hours for M.Sc.).
High-school level
- Elite Pré-Vestibulares, preparation for university admission exams, Biology, 2005-2007.
- InjeBio (biology majors junior institute), preparation for university admission exams, Zoology and Evolution, 2001.